Saturday, June 21, 2008

Kinda Cool!

We had a visit from Jeanne Shaheen who is campaigning for the Senate. She stopped in to our shoppe and talked with Alyssa and Patti as well as visiting other local businesses. Kinda cool!


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Anonymous said...

Isn't it a little past your bedtime - it's two hours later and you got kids and are thirty and stuff, weddings, party clean up, more weddings, howling at the moon, haven't mowed the yard etc...

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you people can stay up so late!

alcor said...

I do remember you selling me out to the river and I do remember thinking I had totally killed you--and Nicole laughing.

Lissa Pissa. I hope he's taking care of himself. He's probably not.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Becky - she was a bad girl - she was cool though. I remember when you finally got enough guts to tell me that you puffed on a joint or a cig or something - why were you so freaked!

Anonymous said...

I don't think Nicole was there - wasn't it abe?? He's not - still tall and skinny, smoking like a chimney. Dork

Anonymous said...

These little word verification letters are getting annoying - do you have to type them?

Anonymous said...

I think I just fell asleep!

alcor said...

I think she was there...Maybe it was Abe. Yes, they are annoying.

Anonymous said...

So where do you go board when you want to ride out there - does the east coast really have any hills, probably more of a sledding area. Erin always refers to the Smokies (tennessee - didn't want you to think that I thought the smokies were in New England) as Mountains - I refuse to address them as mountains - you guys probably have some little in door hills or something.

alcor said...

Wow! I told you that! That was my one and only time.

I finally got drunk in 2004--I went to Steamboat Springs to visit my best friend Lisa (after Brynne was born). She and I had a glass of wine at dinner and then a bottle of Jose Cuervo at her apartment. I threw up so much (lovely, I know) I was fine the next day. She wasn't--so I went biking alone. Never done it again. I would like to though I think. Maybe the next time I go visit her.

Wow. That was a beautiful synopsis on the life of J. Glenn! I am going to have to read it a few times.. Erin sounds awesome! What a great mix you two must be--I'd love to meet her, not that that would happen, but still.

I don't start winding down until about now.

The party went really well--it was awesome to have all of these wonderful people come together. I was worried no one would show up. The only party I've had before was a Valentines' Day Party for my kids. I don't socialize much.

You better go to bed. I'm gonna read again.

Anonymous said...

Ahh so you have to type them too - I figured the master controller of the blog might not need to stoop to the level of the commoner - are you still reading or do you need the brale/brail version. ... . ... .. .. .....
Now I am cracking myself up - look out!

alcor said...

They are more hill-like. Everything is compared to the Rockies--except for the view I had from my bedroom window at age 9! It is pretty though. We have two "hills' that are really close--Crotched Mt. and Pat's Peak. You spend more time on the lift than anything. We took Noah snowboarding last year for the first time on the big Mountain!! He loved it.

Anonymous said...

Don't get drunk and quit telling me what to do!

Anonymous said...

did you say crotched Mt ? Interesting. Steamboat is a nice town - great Mt.

Anonymous said...

Alaska does take all - do your folks ever want to go back?

alcor said...

I was safely in her home. I would never get drunk in public.

I keep reading the last paragraph. I am so sorry about your sweet baby. I think it's OK to be dark sometimes. To just BE right where you are. You don't always have to have a light on--You won't stay there.

Yes, they would love to go back. Dad won't fly though. I almost went to spend Christmas with my brother (he has a cabin on his property that I was going to stay in)--after Matt was going to take the kids to Texas for Christmas. I would have lost my mind if I had stayed at home without them. As it turns out we all stayed in NH.

Anonymous said...

The synopsis was a little choppy but sometimes better chop then not at all. Have a great weekend of weddings - I think shall retire for I am nearing your realm and I don't belong, darn moon - I am starting on one of the tables this weekend, I am stoked - the bear was back last night equally stoked.

You know my mom's only fear of the two of us getting married was that we (the head in the clouds dreamer types) would be constantly leaving and forgetting where we left our children - she would then do her little chuckle. She is clever like that!!

alcor said...

Yes, it is CROTCHed Mountain--and Uncanoonuc means "two breast" not sure who did the naming of mounds around here..

alcor said...

Yes, it is CROTCHed Mountain--and Uncanoonuc means "two breast" not sure who did the naming of mounds around here..

alcor said...

Thanks for the J.Glenn rewind. Have fun with Board and Bear! Night.

alcor said...

Yes, one does need some grounding.

Anonymous said...

I did the same with your last paragraph - I am sorry for your pain, don't lose your hope as well. Don't think you always have to hold everything together as well - you stubborn duff!

Anonymous said...

ehh I'm not convinced!

alcor said...

Ge'cho butt in bed.

Anonymous said...

so bossy! What kind of construction does Ben do? Does Matt still have his car company?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you have more parties and such, are you a hermit - you need someone to kick your butt around, kick you out of the holes you hide in. It sounds like in a little time Brynne will be kicking your butt around. I have only seen a few pics (obviously) but that Noah is your child...

alcor said...

I think there are times when you really love someone and see them hurting and feel so helpless to make it better that you can without knowing it resort to wanting to hear want you want to be true rather than accepting the real truth. The thing is, accepting the real truth of a person is one of the most beautiful things a human being can offer another. It sucks when you have to reassure those who love you that "you're fine"--expending precious unavailable energy to make them feel better about your lack of feeling better, thereby inhibiting any possibility of help or true closeness to occur. I think the best thing to do is to keep projecting unadulterated, unfiltered truth--and being OK with the truth yourself may give others permission to be OK with it as well. BUT, you can't really hold a person's fear against them, or discount the genuine love because of it. That's my thought.

And yes, I am bossy--I'm a taurus.

: )

Ben's "Burney Construction" is primarily new construction/additions. He and his wife, JoAnne have two little girls.

Matt does not restore cars anymore. It was really fun when we did! I felt like a gypsy and loved it--we had the cars, I had my art shows, and we never knew (but we always somehow knew they would) how the bills would get paid. Sometimes we'd drive around on backroads looking for old barns and houses that might have a car hiding. It was a constant treasure hunt.

He now works for Carrier Corp (airconditioning) he's a mechanical engineer and works in corporate sales...

I am a hermit. I have a customer who has a catering company...she is also anorexic (thank God she is finally seeking medical help). I was talking to my buddy Tim ( favorite flower market dude in Boston and fellow introvert that functions extremely well as an extrovert) about how my caterer friend and I are the same person!--just slightly different shape/form.

I need my hole to recharge, but yes, sometimes it's really hard to get out.

BTW, Sage is a GREAT name for a dog! I am gonna upload pix to the blog from the party--it was really fun...

Anonymous said...

The party looked awesome - you should be doing more of those things - why hide such hostess skills?? I had to send something at this hour - proof that I stay up later than you from time to time. Sitting in the cruiser in the parking lot of a friends after a little guys night - we don't get the web at the lodge so I thought I would jack into somebody's wifi here - get matt out of that office - an office will make a man go crazy...

The pics looked great - seems like you are surrounded by a ton of awesome people - way to go.

thanks for the advice on honesty - you are right!!

alcor said...

WOW! That was late/early--I hope you didn't ruin your Sunday due to lack of vital rest...

I'm a bit afraid of this week--FIVE weddings and lots of peeps aren't around. My solace is that on Sunday the 31st after I deliver the 5th wedding we are taking off to Monhegan Island in Maine--it's a cool place. No kayaking/biking --so we may have to take some day trips to a neighboring island.

As far as Matt--I dunno. This point in his life he's likin' the office--he does have a lot of flexibility though.

alcor said...

BTW, what's the wood that your Pipe is sitting on? Is that from the beam discovery?

Anonymous said...

You are precisely correct - it is a test chunk from one of the beams - ooh ahh ooh!! Way to be observant and dig below the surface view - I was testing you, you mostly passed. The third dimension of the picture was the leg it was all sitting on - that leg was wearing Arden B denim - you failed to pick that up, so you're busted wrangler wearer..

Hope your weddings go great - don't screw em up, only the most important day of those girl's lives (such a marketing crock)

Anonymous said...

So two quick questions: Feel free to answer you return from your island - no rush!!

1. You stated that your friend was "also anarexic" and that you are the same person - does this mean you are anarexic as well - if so I am calling your mother.

2. How does one recharge one's hole?? Not sure what that means, just curious.

alcor said...

I say I passed the test!...Arden B. doesn't make Men's Jeans...(I don't think) so either you are wearing Erin's (no wonder they call you a colorful Boulderite) or you had Erin take the picture--more than likely during the day Erin would be at work and wouldn't have access to the character-laiden pipe and plank. She could have been at home, but it looks like commercial grade upholstery and, the plank was 12" x 12", and balancing the plank on a feminine leg (unless she is a fellow amazon) could be tricky...then again, the "lodge" could have commercial grade upholstery....
Hmmmmm....I give up...

I meant she has a catering company and is anorexic... ("also" was to denote the oximoronic comparison). You could still call my mother, her advice usually is,

"Alyssa, just look at my butt and put down the burrito"...

I would have the opposite issues as I love food and could easily be 500 pounds. My anorexia is hermitous (fabulous made-up word) inclinations in a fiercely extroverted environment....

...And I meant that I need my hiding-hole in order to recharge myself--not recharge the hole.

I was full of confusidom-sorry...

Thanks for the bride pep-talk; just like your willingness to offer public speaking advice AFTER the event had occurred...I am filled with gratitude!!
: )

alcor said...

People tell Noah all the time that he looks like his Momma--he HATES it; he wants to look like Daddy. Brynne looks a lot like Matt did when he was younger--but she's bossy like me.

Anonymous said...

If she's anything like you - you gonna have your hands full -

didn't you like smoke a joint or something one time - can't believe I hung around you.

Hey get back to your weddings - see I can be bossy too.

Anonymous said...

I must remark - You guys have really cool aprons - not that I would expect anything less but very cool!!

alcor said...

Why thank you! I don't sew but have a fabric fetish (I glue my fabric) so my Fairy Friend sews them together for me.

Hell doesn't really start until Wednesday--that's when I pick up the flowers....

Anonymous said...

I picked raspberries last night - only the first round was ready but they be mmmm so good. I hadn't puffed the pipe for some time, had to clean out the cob webs but yesterday afternoon I sat out on the porch with pipe, view and a strong cup of dark perfection in hand (the view wasn't really in hand but you get the picture) It was raining, hailing, raining, hailing - I made scout run out into the hail to see what he would do - he didn't care like normal - he is a very laid back dog - maybe because of all the pipe smoke I spew in his little face. hmmm. I really don't smoke it that often because I like to save it as a special treat and I really don't want my lips to fall off and Erin says I smell like shit afterwords - she is such a foul mouthed thing.

Do you know that all of the trees out here are dead - Damn pine beetle - everywhere you look the mountains are red (dead trees) Just thought you might want to know, we just tell the stupid tourists (what you would be considered now, just so you know) that the leaves are changing along with the deer into elk, happens every fall you stupid tourists. I once overheard a Texan, while snowboarding, refer to the halfpipe as "the stunt ditch". I love seeing them wipe out and then they have that little dark spot of wet denim on their rears - I'm rambling.

Anonymous said...

I prefer short band names i.e. U2, Coldplay, the shins, doves, the kooks etc... But "Hell doesn't start till wednesday" would be a real cool longer band name.

alcor said...

I'm jealous of your porch. Sounds awesome.

I prefer raspberries to blueberries myself as well, but we made a blueberry pie last night (I picked out the really fermented ones) and it was really good. We watched the closing ceremonies with blue lips--I let the kids stay up for it.

Bummer about the trees. I'm no tourist--Colorado robbed the best of me a long time ago and still owes me something. Wow, that sounds positively hateful! We have a love/hate relationship I guess...

I'm at the shop again needing to reclaim space...I am finding that I have to do this more often then usual....

The Shins are great--introduced to me via Garden State.

alcor said...

{poor scout}

Anonymous said...

Scout is much like his master - he loves attention any way he can get it - even if it means having to withstand chunks of ice bouncing off his precious gord in orde to recieve a sympathy scratch and patttt. I am sure that is all lady wanted as well.

I thought TV was the deveeel, or did you listen to the closing ceremonies on the radio??

That did sound a little hateful but you know they say you can't really love something if you don't have the capacity to hate it as well, or something like that - don't they say something like that, maybe that was Dillon or hendrix

alcor said...

So true. It's in that delicate balance that passion exists.

Thanks for the Lady jab. At least I never toyed with feeding her to the bear for good photo-op.

Are you an attention monger? You aren't a Leo are you? Aren't you Aries? Actually, I have no idea when you birthday is. For some reason I was thinking May.

alcor said...

TV is the devil. It can make you completely OK with not actually doing anything with your life-- BUT in moderation it can be a valuable tool. I will forever have those blueberry lips memories....and it is a beautiful thing to see what a human being can do. The emotions involved always impress me more than the action that brought it about, but what's one without the other...

You've probably gone home, but right now I am listening to "so real" by Jeff Buckley and it totally sounds like a chainsaw in the background...kinda creepy. Do you know that part? Is it a chainsaw?

Anonymous said...

I think it is a guitar slide with a ton of gritty distortion and delay but I know the part - I would agree a bit chainsawish.

I photoad the bear last night, then we talked for a while. I totally had him pegged as a smokey but believe it or not he's a chuck, that's right chuck the bear, he told me he was hungry and taht the only reason he shreds trash bags for scraps is because it tastes better than his own crap. I asked him to only eat half of our raspberries, he agreed... I told him if he could catch scout he's fair game - he said he prefers pugs, I laughed. So then I told chuck to beat it before someone peppers his buns with a rock salt load. He took off down the hill.
I will veer you a photo, didn't have the good camera and my lighting was pretty terrible but nun the less it's a bear.

Anonymous said...

FYI I'm not much of a label guy - but if you must I am a J-Glenn - feel free to classify yourself into one of twelve narrow categories. J-Glenns eat Taurus's for lunch - is that like rock paper scissors?

alcor said...

Oh it's just interesting friend Lisa used to spout things out at me "you're a taurus I'm an Aries, we aren't supposed to be friends" You're a Taurus, that means you aren't good at keeping up with friends, you're a Taurus that means you are a stubborn bitch" the tapes just play--

Where's the Bear?

Off to the pond with the kids, trying to get living in before Hell takes over....

Anonymous said...

You mean Chuck? He likes to be called Chuck not "the bear" - probably running through the woods, why do you ask? Or acually sleeping in the woods, long night of eating trash, didn't you read the post? I though I already went over all of this?

alcor said...

I meant "where's the bear?" as in: "send me the Veer of Chuck...please..."

said in a purely anticipatory non-bossy manner.

Anonymous said...

Well bear crap!! I just loaded the photos on my computer and they are basically black - I will have to take them home tonight and shmicky shmack on the photo shop as I can see them on the LCD window of the cam but not so much on the computer files.

I think I am going to have to take this to the next degree. Halogen lamp mounted at two dumpsters, dead fish carcass in the dumpster, complete with cans on a string to make sure I wake up, then I will have the canon 5D ready to rock vs. the little pocket shot. You let me know if Noah thinks that plan will work or if he has any better ideas to fill me in - he looks like a kid that could have some good bear snatching ideas. Maybe some blueberries..

alcor said...

LOL! Yes, Noah could have you set up. Maybe by the time we get back from the island you'll nail 'ol Chuck.

I'll be eating a Canoli tonight if I am lucky--going to a marketing dealy in Boston with me' Marmie and two chics. Should be good.

So, Keith Urban was a jerk? That's too bad. Why did you break up with Katherine?

alcor said...

I have a whole slew of brillotimeline worries, I'll space them as not to overwhelm or pressure you....(I know how you momma's boys are)

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh you justed asked why I broke up with Katherine - Um that I haven't thought about in a long time. (I know she hasn't either) Great girl - we had been friends since the beginning of Belmont, then we thought we might date and then not so much. I really thought she was great but I knew it wasn't really going anywhere - so it needed to end, at least that format of the relationship. Even though she was cool and not this way her family had total silver spoons up their butts - I spent a week at their house in Gross Point, Michigan - her Dad and mom played tennis with presidents and stuff - Great people, not my style. When I pulled up to their house, they asked me to pull the Bronco into the garage (let's just say not so that it would stay warm - neighbors!!) Great girl, awesome time, wasn't right, haven't thought about it in ten years probably won't for another twenty.

Anonymous said...

So if we are asking: Why were you so depressed in Texas? - why did you have a bad night the night before your wedding?

Anonymous said...

For your momma's boy comment - I hope your canoli has a rotten banana in it or squirts out whatever the crap is in a canoli all over your Arden B's - Ok that was maybe a bit harsh!

You know keith wasn't all together a jerk - I said "hi" a few times and got no response.. He was a fellow construction worker guy at the time and he and his sucky band were always playing in their upstairs with the windows open - they were really bad.

Anonymous said...

Delete the "oh gosh" from my katherine post: I totally sounded like a fem and somewhat supported your Momma's Boy comment - crap.

Anonymous said...

When you said "why thank you" I finally heard your voice...

It sounded nice.

alcor said...

Wow, that was nice--thank you...

Hell has officially begun...if I fall asleep now (and wake up with a better attitude) I should get 3.5 of sleep.

I will comment more later, but tonight rocked! You totally need to get your logo figured out for E.T.
**or whatever you end up calling your "though shall not be painted" tables. (I agree, they should NOT be painted. Don't make me apologize again...** You should start setting the stage to sell yourself before you even have anything to sell. Why not?

Very inspiring. No canoli though, so this anti-anorexic will have to wait for jeans still look great though...

Anonymous said...

Glad that your Amway convention went well - what does one learn at a marketing thingy (am intreeeged, for real) Funny you should ask (one must give a mandatory half chuckle complete with raised eyebrow and slightly open mouth when one opens a statement with "funny you should ask"..) about the logo... I had placed a call a few weeks ago with a good friend that does web design, logo marketing branding stuff (pixelgrazer and tricopter our his little side dealies) he called me back yesterday and said that he has this young fresh raw talented (cheap) guy that he thinks would be perfect for the web design. I was stoked - I look through all of the websites and literature marketing crap for the farm/rustic table world and it's either honky tonk backwoods hey look another picture of a log kinda stuff or its got that "smells like my grandma's doily collection, Old new englandy look (no offense)( I am a huge fan and have great respect for Thos Moser's stuff and they actually have a great/clean web and niche') The whole plan/hope with this company is going to be one of sharp, edgy, simple - hey look this is how we are different - everything from a ridiculous warranty that screams this will be a peice that your grandchildren will use to highlighting the "sustainable design" elements to the introduction of lines and character through joinery into such a bulky, round genre. My hope is that our marketings could be edgy enough to be passed out on Pearl Street yet classic/unique enough to lure some rich fart from Aspen - we gots a long way to go but Brad and I are having fun attempting to the lay the foundation. I am excited to get back with Nathan on the web - he is my idea bouncer offer guy - I shoot him the ideas and then he shoots them down, but in a very loving and functional way. Hope you have fun in Hell this week.

Anonymous said...

You know it's one thing to be completely vain but vaingloriousness is a little over the top "ooh look at how good I look in my jeans". I see how you are!! Canoli Chic!

alcor said...

That is NOT what I meant...if you recall you wished canoli spillage upon my Arden B's--they made through...

Anonymous said...

Whatever - your statement came across loud and clear - strutting your stuff.

alcor said...

Oh good heavens...I've been up too long. Be nice.

alcor said...

Awesome about the logo stuff! Cheap can equate good, but don't skimp on your identity--it's HUGELY important. Don't be afraid to say "it's crap" if he's not getting what your trying to convey to the world about your present day tweak on old world craftsmanship and raw wood beauty. Your plan sounds great.

Price 'em high from the get go. Your "branding" is what will convince people it's worth it. That's fine, you can tell me to shut up.

You should do for your graphic designer what I have my brides do for me--hunt around, find some inspiration... logos that show some design attributes you like, find unrelated objects that have aspects of what you are trying to present (like your wood, an old piece of something, and a hip, I'm a hot dude in my early 30's vibe item--put it all in a box and give it to him...

alcor said...

What do you mean his "side thingy's" are pixlegrazer and tricopter? Pixlegrazer was pretty amazing. Very clean.

...I can't wait to have a website I like! I realize this is a little "chic" but this is a cool site:

Anonymous said...

No shut ups here! I am open to any ideas, marketing tools etc.. you can throw my way. Nathan and Daniel (we lived four blocks away from Nathan and his wife in Florida) Nathan owns tricopter and works with Daniel who owns pixelgrazer. Nathan and Daniel have both offered me tids and bits of ideas. Nathan is my cultural gooroo - he is one of those guys that has many sticks in the flame and is excellent at all of them. He does all of the marketing, print material and website stuff for our church in FL called Northland - they have an incredible vision and take on what ministry should be and look like. I will check out your fantasy website. Brad and I continued to hack and haul the wood last night things are getting exciting. WE had a curious Denver Weekender Neighbor stop and comment on how cool the old crap wood is - I was like this table will be ready in two weeks if you gots the three grand. They won't be that much but I am amazed at what folks pay for an old crappy "historic" or "reclaimed" solid wood table.

Happy biddings through your hell week continum - you're such a whiner - I don't remember you being so fragile - I guess that's what happens when one reaches queen status on ones own little goffstown lily pad. Did you sell prince charming??

Anonymous said...

FYI - didn't mean to come across so cold and flipant with the Katherine question. If her and her husband were close we would be friends and stuff it just didn't leave a gashing unfilled existence within my soul - I think you get the picture. Good friend and an awesome person. Again didn't want to sound like it was a fart of a friendship that was thrown to the wind - don't want to be that person..

Anonymous said...

NTS - Why am I explaining this to you? You being a person that emotionaly shredded the likes of billy, matt, Aaron, sherman (along with countless others, I'm sure) with your shear existance - let's just say it is probably good for the whole male proponder that you didn't have the Arden B's back then - dear Lord there wouldn't have been a tight jaw and a dry whistle in the place. Choose your reactionary response carefully, it's always a test. (note I am smiling right now)

Anonymous said...

NTS - Why am I explaining this to you? You being a person that emotionaly shredded the likes of billy, matt, Aaron, sherman (along with countless others, I'm sure) with your shear existance - let's just say it is probably good for the whole male proponder that you didn't have the Arden B's back then - dear Lord there wouldn't have been a tight jaw and a dry whistle in the place. Choose your reactionary response carefully, it's always a test. (note I am smiling right now)

Anonymous said...

oops posted twice! FFTD

alcor said...

Hmm, Arden B's 'back THEN"...should I now feel like an old ,washed up mother of two???
(don't worry, you need not answer that, and I won't even call you a jerk.)

You didn't sound cold with Katherine--more like, this is what it was, this is what it wasn't....

Your friend does a great job! Very cool. Looking forward to Old Crappy (but oh so cool) Wood taking on new life Veers....

Other than one small breakdown, things have been going very well. Last night I made it home early and thought about how not too long ago I'd be at the shop til 1 am working on stuff for a wedding or funeral with the kids in the corner asleep in their tent and sleeping bags. It was always a "sleep over at the shop" adventure! They are so great. Now we have 5 in the works and it all seems to be getting done ahead of schedule. SO out of character for me. Thank you God.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome about your systems and team with the shop - I would call that progression into excellence fastly achieving.

That was actually a good come back - you pass!!! I didn't even catch that implication so therefore I felt a little bad because that wasn't the message I wanted to convey - so you got me, crap!

See I told you there was no need for all your whining and hell prep - so is the peaberry still doing it for you or was that just a one time shot - back to your light breakfast blends??

Anonymous said...

That did sound really bad - I am sorry (now I'm the one apologizing) I was trying to harrass you one last time for your presumed boasting and then mix it in with your heartbreaker status with those guys and then add another layer that if you had the jeans it would have been that much more difficult of a heartbreaking - see that was actually a compliment.

alcor said...

Never fear--I don't hold you against yourself.

: )

alcor said...

(I did enjoy throwing it right back) : )

alcor said...

BTW, We sold the peaberry-all gone (so Mom, if you are still eavesdropping we need to order more!!!)

It was really well received. I met with a woman last night--she popped in. She owns a company called A&E Roastery. I stumbled upon her a long time ago, but I didn't like her logo and didn't think they were equipped to train the staff so I went with Java Tree. I haven't been very impressed with JT though--the training and passion for producing a good cup didn't come through. Chatting with this woman for 30 minutes after closing it was really evident that she pours heart and soul into what she does; and THAT is what Apotheca is all about--a storehouse for art, beauty, inspiration--and the integrity of that can be traced back to each person who offers something here. Plus she is very into natural--they are organic, etc. I may be doing a switch. Only problem, I asked about Peaberry--she said they have a Tanzania but not a Peaberry. I said , "bummer". She may get it if we request it.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you quick messing around and get the real deal! Mrs. Burney go ahead and order it, Alyssa won't care - glad I could be of help.

Anonymous said...

How long have you had Apotheca?

Anonymous said...

A couple of questiones - What is a DS, How long were you in Colorado, what took you to Grand Junction (wasn't Wedcloud near Gunnison) what is CCCC and lastly did you ever make it to Europe?

Anonymous said...

I am still quite curious to learn more about your passion for Art therapy. That is one of those things that I think I know a little about but soon realize I don't even scratch the surface of understanding - so when you get the time, not a rush, please spew till yur blue in the face.

I am also curious of this Image Transfer process and your card line - I can barely write my name and make it look like my name but I do truly love and feel that I have developed a healthy perspicaciousness (I think that works) for beautiful and interesting art. I have been exposed a bit to music as therapy but again it would be great to learn more about art therapy.

So I had a vision of white walls (maybe a hint of American Apparelishness) with maybe a grey flat molding and the "Elemental Table" (that may be one of the lines of table styles vs. the overall name - quit crying - not sure) hanging from some braided rusty or anodized cables at a slite angle, over a very cool but contrasting wood or even concrete floor / could be dirt or even grass to enter the green earthy element - Very bright lighting and gritty contrast - this could be a way to blast the rusticness into a more modern, crisp genre - come on yuppies you need some splinters under your dinner plate feel. I don't know will have to see. Home page / web layout thoughts

alcor said...

what are you doing up?

Anonymous said...

I guess I am just a curious fella - but I would be curious to learn a bit about how you bridged the gap between really awesome creations and mindful art and design with something that of the Hallmark Likes. I must admit when I think of Flower shops and Florists I tend to think back to my Jo-Ann Fabric, foam balls with green things poking in and precious moments figurines (you obviously have experience and had to deal with this I am sure) but you have destroyed that mindset - so did you plan it out and force the hand or did you say No the Hell Not and just try to create around it or what. That paragraph was a little distracted but you get the drift.

That is one of the things Brad and I are trying to address - how to get away from Western World architecture and design while working with a product that is very scratchy, earthy and rough and tough. How do you make an Ikea generation appreciate a wooden knot or crack - we are such a plastic formica society. Don't get me wrong I was blown away at my first Ikea visit, who doesn't want to furnish a complete 1000 square foot apartment for twenty bucks but there must be more to it than that. It being life as if stuff shapes life. I believe I have talked myself into a nice little circle. Time to clam up!

Anonymous said...

Keep it down, I am spewing into worlds unknown and I don't really need any distractions. Just got done finalizing Change Orders with Troy and unfortunately we were both too tired to jump into cost projections and profit analysis - AHHHHHHH! Oh darn!

Anonymous said...

I just realized I referenced "my" and "foam balls" in the same sentence. I meant my "Jo-Ann Fabric" days with my mother as a youngster - thanks for being much purer of mind than me and not catching that.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't you be wrapping a bouquet or something?? I didn't really feel that confident about my boughet spelling.

Anonymous said...

FYI I don't go to bed at eight thirty - smart ass!

alcor said...

Wowsa. Good questions. I am brain dead and feel like have no good answers. Let me mull....

I think you get them to appreciate it by letting them catch a glimpse of your appreciation for it. Put your young fresh spin on it. Trends right now across the board have a "vintage" twist. Old is cool. You just have to tell peeps that your old, character laiden, craftsman built tables are cooler than cool even.

The first thing to tell them that is your PHAT logo and website.

alcor said...

finalizing "change orders?" whasat?

alcor said...

The old world detail juxtaposed with the chunk sounds like a cool updated design twist dealy--do you have any pix of the one you made?

Not 8:30 huh? 9? for sure by 10...

Anonymous said...

So I am sort of picking up on a slight but consistent theme from you, maybe ahh lets see could it be yes a LOGO - Come on like anybody really things of Nike when they see the smoosh - swoosh (correction) I feel like when you screw up writing sometime you have got to leave it, screw ups are what make conversations funny and non plasticy. So I left Nike smoosh, to prove my point. Then again you are currently brain dead and probably didn't even pick up on the nike smoosh reference.

Gotta run - I really do, I don't just say that to be a butt when you start typing FTR... As I stated take your time to answer if willing I don't want any crap spews.

Anonymous said...

I will have to answer the change order question some other time as it is truly not interesting and I don't think you really want to know. Sorry to put thoughts in your head but not worth the time right now - for real. I can't say Juxtaposed. Thanks for the reminder

alcor said...

: ) night

Anonymous said...

"I think you get them to appreciate it by letting them catch a glimpse of your appreciation for it." that was a great answer - great advice. See I can do that, cause I can talk and am not afraid of showing emotion.

Did you read that in one of your marketing books or is that ARV origohnal - cause if that is you I am impressed - that was a really good answer.

alcor said...

of course it was me freakshow--stop trying to give away my thoughts--you've already told me I'm washed up.

alcor said...

change order. i wouldn't ask if I didn't want to know.

alcor said...

Actually, I think you said the Grand Courthouse dude had half a mil of change orders at the end--it must be things they weren't happy with or wanted done differently...

must sleep.

alcor said...

ooooh, I just read your description--missed that entry somehow...

I love that 'Get a Splinter Yuppy' thing! One of my fav. wholesale catalogs is called "Roost" I carry a lot of their things and they have that g.s.y. undertone here and there. You should request a wholesale catalog and check it out.

OK, bed for reals.

Anonymous said...

I just picked up a copy of "Marketing for Dummies" and "your" thought was like the first paragraph of chapter two "how to sell" - So you lie!!!

At least I thought you were cool for one evening.

I don't think anyone is getting my vision with "The Hanging Table" thing - that is my problem I base huge decisions on peoples first reactions - I need a sip or two of the "I don't really care what anybody thinks, I may be a fool but at least I am running towards my cliff of death with passion and pride and not stumbling in tears kinda fool, blend" I am way to worried about being one of those people that doesn't really get it and nobody has the heart to tell them sorts. WE had a ton of them at Belmont - they were tone deaf and people had always said "oh you sound just wonderfull honey" there whole lives and somehow they had pursued music performance right into college - 100k on a career education and they were seriously tone deaf and had not a prayer. one of the most frustrating thing about music/nashville/wherever (you can ask Katie about some of this crap) we would have these girls (unfortunately society pours so much more shit on women than they do on men) that had incredible voices - a true gift from the angels but they might be over weight or not drop dead gorgeous and they maybe got to sing backup or do a voice over or something. Then you would have the Jen Mckittka's - hot, nice bod in all the right ways but completey sucked sounded like a ten year old on crack at an American Idol tryout but last I heard she was travelling with Leane rhimes and Mariah Carey and stuff. We would just sit in those studios (each week we had to perform in front of our peers new material or stuff we had been working on and then get critiqued - some people were brutal but it was fun) and laugh at some of the people and then some you just were like I feel sorry for them cause they don't know. Anyway I don't want to be a Jen Mckittka...

Anonymous said...

I will never have the boobs to be a Jen Mckittka - so maybe I shouldnt' worry so much. Sorry completely innapropriate.

I talked with Nathan this morning and he actually was like "get me some pics and all the crap your going to put in your idea box" and lets get going. He liked the grass for the flooring idea - Nathan is great because he is passionate but he also knows marketing and reality so he keeps me in check. Nathan informed me ( I didn't make it in time to watch ) but Joel our pastor from Orlando did the closing prayer last night after the Obama speech. Totally cool because it probably isn't the poltical stance that Joel would take i.e. he is pro-life, not a freaking socialist commy but he still was like I need to be there and I certainly can pray. Anyway I thought it was cool cause I know his heart. TYMLTK

Anonymous said...

FTR - I never said you were washed up - quit fishing for compliments...

Anonymous said...

Have an awesome time with the weddings and the Island - be nice to your kids and play the lost diamond blueberry game with them if you get the chance.

I will attempt to send over your wonderful description of what a change order is - I will attach access to our FTP site as well that way you can open up the complete stamped drawings for the rec (please provide a detailed review summary) in case you ever need help falling asleep.


Anonymous said...

Every project that we do has a contract and the contracts are either lump sum (Lump Sum is where we commit to do the complete job for a certain dollar amount – we have to completely know the scope of work so we don’t get shafted – we right up a detailed 100 page scope narrative document that says “for this price you get this” then we tie them to the document and their drawings, if the owner is unsure about color/type of tile, appliances, electrical fixtures etc we list those out as add/alternates – where they agree to just pay for them outside of the contract or we give them an “allowance” the allowance is basically a bucket of money that is listed out in the contract that they can spend on whatever – when that bucket runs out they have to proved additional funds if they want it to happen.
The other type of contract (most commercial work i.e. rec centers, courthouses, town halls, forestations – especially public government work) is that of Cost of The Work With a GMP (Gross Maximum Price) Basically the contract reads that all costs (everything from the $100k to tie into sewer lines to the wood wainscot labor and material) we collect and give direct to the owner – so they pay for the actual “cost of the work” to get their building up and then we charge a fee to run the job, make it happen – they pay for our contracting services, superintendent, laborers, project managers, trucks all of that stuff – our costs to open the doors. We still do a scope narrative and we tie ourselves to the scope along with the final 100% percent construction documents (plans and specifications that we usually resolve to with the Architects, consultants and engineers after three or four drafts – we usually bid the job about three times before the job is under contract) Anyway after we do the scope narrative and we determine the GMP amount we will enter into a contract that basically says “this is the product we will deliver for x amount a period of time (schedule) we will deliver this project not to exceed the GMP) If we don’t deliver the project for that price we pay the overage amount – we usually negotiate into the contract “shared savings” basically saying that if we deliver the project per the documents of expectation below the GMP (say it comes in $200k below the GMP) we get to share the savings. 30% percent shared savings on $200k we get $60k in the pocket by saving the county $140K. The incentives for an owner to offer a shared savings is that they will save money by the contractor working harder to bring the overall price down (we as a contractor are more willing to take a chance on a lower bidding subcontractor that we maybe don’t have a solid relationship history with, we are more willing to take more liability and spend more time to manage if we know we might get some of the pie)
So anyway a “change order” is any work requested by the owner that is not covered in their contract (drawings, scope of work) In this type of contract we as a contractor carry a chunk of money for little misses and mistakes in the drawings usually around 4% of the contract amount but a clear change the owner has to pay for. For instance on this job the owners decided to go from carpet to the stained concrete floors, they pay for the difference in cost and they pay us an extra percentage on that cost because it takes more work for us to handle the changed scope. So we get addition funds for every change order. Tracking change orders getting them into billings and regulating what the actual costs are vs. what the subs bill us can be a bit of a nightmare. My reference was that the owner (the owner’s rep was totally failing on this job and got behind) issued roughly half a million dollars of changes which means we have to quickly bid all of that work, coordinate schedules for subs and get the overall schedule adjusted so that we can finish on time. Generally when we receive those last minute changes we would extend our completion date but because the owner’s rep was totally on the hot seat because he screwed up we were doing everything to help him out and finish all of it per the original contracted completion date. If we miss our contract completion date we have to pay liquidated damages per day that we go over. Usually around a thousand bucks a day we go over. Needless to say we don’t go over something this company is pretty proud of. Change orders are great because they are extra work and we get a higher fee but they are tough to completely pull together at the end of the job. Glad you asked?

alcor said...

OH my heavens...I guess I have my reading for the next few days all sorted out. : )

One wedding down, 4 to go! Both of tomorrows brides came to preview their flowers and were really thrilled. I love making people happy. It's like an addiction....

We will have fun, you too. Hope The Elemental Table gets some attention.

alcor said...

Where's my FTP site access?
: )

alcor said...

Cool about your pastor. I didn't catch that part. What's TYMLTK?

BTW you can totally get Jen Mckitttka's boobs if you really want them. I can't imagine anything more terrifying than singing in front of peers on a weekly basis. Yikes! I think I would rather run up and down the church isles naked on Sunday--just like I used imagine myself doing when I was little.

You do need to get over that whole other people 'getting it' thing. They may get it eventually, but it's up to you to pursue with reckless abandon and give the concept life. Not everyone will get it--who cares. The reward at the end is having a chosen few or a lot of 'chosens' feelin' it too, and appreciating it enough to buy it. You're too "with it" to be completely off the mark. Have a little faith!!!

So you seriously don't remember that letter I left?

Why did you chase Krienke down the hall and say the Fword 5 times? Who was VaVa?

Anonymous said...

The FTP site information has been veered.

Thanks for the last sentence of encouragement - not quite sure how you would know if I am "too with it" but I will accept your encouraging words nun the less. No, I do remember the letter, especially once you reiterated some of the contents - I was confused with the note you left in the book portion but the letter has come back into my memory. Krienke was driving me crazy because he had become so possesive and I couldn't take it anymore - he pushed me over the edge and the halls of CC were the never the same. Now if you don't remember VAVA and all of the torment about her I recieved from you that is your own "I'm thirty and have lost my memory" fault. I think she had become a bit of a threat to you so you maybe just chose to block her our of your mind. oh well we can't remember everything.

Anonymous said...

oops almost forgot to jab - way to go on being up at like six thirty am - you must be busy, you deserve a vacation for that as I am sure you will need a few weeks to recover. Have you been up that early before, like ever?

Anonymous said...

Actually six forty one am - what was I thinking to much credit.

Anonymous said...

It is truly amazing and bizarre how one can become so very much attached to a blanket – don’t you find that a wee bit bizarre. (I am baring my soul, so if you release the following blanket binding bits of information to the breezy mouthed bitties of this belligerent based bained society will completely deny the facts.
((actually I don’t really care – just have to act tough – you have yet to mention the whole “sickly” curse you attempted to place on me so I can only assume I have regained some element of strength with you)))((((Someday I will rebuttal your “sickly” references as I have developed quite the elaborate case – but not now, not today))))))

You see as a child (or rather as an adult pondering my childhood years) I don’t recall ever having an attachment to one’s very own fibrous mass. However and yes, I do mean however as the winter air is fast approaching, the already beetle driven dead trees are dying even more and the three deciduous trees (we have a few aspen) have begun the cycle of leaf turning I am once again drawn to old blue. Old blue was purchased for $99.00 at the North Face store in Denver, the summer of the Vail discussion and the waterless shack. Old blue was purchased at a time where old Jer was Old poor (not implying that I am anywhere close to Arden B status but I don’t have to drink my own pee anymore – that was a point driven joke FYI) probably too dumb to know it and morely too proud to show it. So the purchase of a $99.00 sleeping bag that retailed for $169.00 was not only an accomplishment but also a wallet stretcher.

Old blue and I have been through a lot together, crawled in em at Camp Muir (base camp for Mt. Rainier) sweated it out on the upper cover camping in the keys in August, countless quarter laundry mat overheating drier visits, scout and sage wrap up sessions and buried rocks underneath him to stay warm while camping under the stars and the snowflakes and so on and so on –

He is one of the few things that I have actually not lost or given away over the past ten years. I have a degree in music, I love music, Music has the ability to completely move me in ways that nothing else on this green earth can, but to date I have maybe ten CD’s in my possession(I have probably purchased hundreds) – I lose things or I give them away.

Many of nights do I crawl into Old Blue and rest oh so wonderfully on top of the covers (Erin loves that) but I find more than warmth and comfort within the fleece lining (not slippery frigid cold for the first twenty seconds vinylly liner crap) I can honestly say I feel a sense of security and home. So my blanket (a piece of half baked materials assembled at some sweat shop in China) and I are attached, I don’t get it but I like it and I will either lose Old Blue someday or someone is going to have to pry him out of my cold dead fingers.

I purchased the red sleeping bag (it claims the title of “zero degree” I’m not so convinced) a sleek, double zippered ultra cold goose down filled bag a year back at REI – great bag but I freeze and feel like a rotten little whore every time I pull tight the Velcro double backed zipper cover – it has the traditional vinyl liner.

With all of that said, the nights are drawing colder and longer, the raspberries are delivering their final pickings, foxes are turning the appropriate shade of bushy red, scout is beginning to poof out as well, the peeks are trapping the light dustings that would have melted a month ago, the pipe has seen more frequented use, my wife is pregnant once again and with the evening chill refuted as I lie awake inside of old blue laughing at the cold, it feels as though things could and should turn the corner in the mind of this old lover of picture rail. I love winter – I think because it is a season of quiet and stillness and it offers opportunity for one to be warmed or to bring warmth to others. ahh the ramblingness of rambling...

“My point with this little narrative” one might ask, (thanks for asking) the whole “don’t love something that can’t love you back” verbagio monumentum, is Shit!!
Here is why, often times the things that we think don’t have the capacity to love us back really do, and we accept their love on a daily basis, we often even long for that love and they long to give it. Sometimes the picture of love is what needs the defining not always the object handing it out.

Just an afternoon thought from a fellow crazy person…

and no I don't bring my blanket to work nor do I sniffle often...

alcor said...

Wow! What beautiful news bundled inside an homage to a 'blanket' (a fabulously written homage I might add). I'll keep all of you in my prayers. And I'll pray that you are able to anticipate cloudlessly with eager abandon.
Thank you for sharing the news with me.--good thing you removed yourself from Old blue's warm embrace!

Things are powerful...of course it's never about the thing--really--, it's always about what it holds, represents, or reminds. Poor little Red serves his purpose and I am sure you appreciate the down now and then--OR you could put Blue inside of red

So, I could totally live on an island with greesy lobster dudes and hermitous artists. It was AWESOME! You know my plan that involves Alaska or remote Colorado--a cabin, my windmills and solar panels, my gardens, an art therapy retreat (just a couple of weeks in the summer) --I already told you about the art shows/gifts shows/etc. Well, that plan can transfer to this island at any time.

It was great. Tough coming back to the real world though--"real world".

What are you talking about "sickly"? Did I say you were sickly? I said you were a Moma's boy? What's this sickly thing?

Anonymous said...

Did you, "Alyssa-pure of heart and mind" crack a sex joke - took me a few reads to catch that - very clever...

alcor said...

Perhaps then you are the one with pure heart and mind?

Anonymous said...

So this island sounds incredible - I picture oddly shaped (appropriately so oddly though) cottage styled houses complete with shake shingle sides, grayed ever so perfectly by the rain and salty air, white trim with bushy surroundings and it would only be complete with a lighthouse silhouetting somewhere, light mists in the morning, rocky beaches and a constant reminder of the sea in the strills. I have never been that far North East (so I am sure I am way off - laugh at my Disney Ideals that is fine) but it sounds quite inspiring - not a bad place to explore ones hermitous nature.

So when you (you, being the acclaimed inventor of elementalism, world traveler, cultural and marketing guru and less we forget arteest extraordinaire) venture out to one of these remote island studded with lobster signs and the grease to prove it (so I'm told), do you find that you are inspired to attempt to recreate these mental snap shots (in your own art) these experiences or does it mostly inspire you with and in what you are already doing, a bit of soul food for the senses and the movement of hand, if you will?? You mentioned that you tried to recreate the moments of light that pre the sunset but that you failed - does one of your caliber attempt to "mess with" such a scene or does one just enjoy and take the breath that comes with it back home for inspirational gas. I am writing with "ones" again - back to sidewaysismness I guess!

You use to reference me as being "sickly" due to a few photos of me when I was younger and fair of skin - unlike you being of Native American decent, I didn't have the perfect tan year round. You found a ledge of persecution - you must remember the torment you delivered - how could such cruelty go unremembered - then gain your dog still yearns from the grave of one last touch, you make me sick!!

Hope you had the wonderful opportunity of driving to flower world at four am this morning and hopefully you had to pick large chunks of crud out of your peepers.

I have always wanted to walk up to a greasy old lobster stand/restaurant and order the biggest fricken lobster pile or roll or whatever somewhere way north eastish - one of those things I will do before I kick it!!
If I have my way, of course!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I looked at a photo online of the Island, I couldn't take my guilt any longer - is that so terrible, I just wanted to be one of the cool kids, what an incredible place. Just out of curiosity (that is a part of the country that seems incredible to me, I just haven't ever been there - so I am a little retarded) does the lobster really only cost like five bucks, can you really just hike around and pick em up and take em home and cook em??

Anonymous said...

So how is your "real world" going? We made twelve jars of raspberry preserves on Sunday and now my teeth are going to rot out of my head as I believe I have become addicted to my jam and toast. Your moon was really bright last night and I couldn't turn it off - blasted thing was blinding me around 4am - I often get up for a short jont (not joint mind you) around that time of the night/morning - the absolute worst time to think about really anything..

alcor said...

You cheater! At least you admitted it : ) The jam sounds awesome. The entire island was covered with blackberries--

Ugh. This real life thing hasn't been going so well...more later....

alcor said...

Ok, I am feeling the need to take that back (the not going so well part)...I came home from the shop just now and there on my porch was homemade bread, apricot peach jam, a beautiful note, and an Ollabelle CD from my sweet Janet all tucked inside a basket.

I wanna be like her when I grow up.

I could fall flat on my face tomorrow, I could FAIL miserably, mess up royally, suddenly not be able to pay on my lease next month, but right now and for the past nearly 3 years--I did it. I am here--and I am surrounded by great people who seem to care about me for some undeserving reason--that isn't said to be trite, I feel that in this moment....

It's been a little tough since I got back-- on personal and business levels--talking business right now--an article came out in the paper that caused some internal turmoil here with the girls. It was a great article--I will veer it to you tomorrow; but in it one of my girls who is going through a lot of personal stuff right now and I think was trying to give herself a shot in the arm, told the reporter that she was the primary designer. Sounds petty, I know, but that really made the other girls feel slighted and pissed off; and my mom (ya know those momma bears) was "outraged" as she put it. She also said that she painted the menu board and came in to do "all of the creative stuff" (none of this is true). Anyway, needless to say it goes against everything I promote with in the shop--working as a team--the collaborative contributions of all of us are what make it work as a beautiful thing. And damnit, I am the owner and creative director! Sorry,I am feeling petty again....--Christi has been with me from the beginning, so she was really pissed, and Roxanne has more design experience than all of us combined which made her mad, and Mom, well, she's my mom....

Needless to say, I need to do some internal rebuilding--I have talked to Patti and she said she never said any of that. The unfortunate thing is, due to the past, the other girls don't believe her. Due to my past, I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to a detriment.

Drama drama. Where's my island. : )

Lobster's were wicked cheap (two for $15) the green stuff still grosses me out, but I do like them. We all dined with our own bottle of wine (any time after 5 every adult you see seems to be carrying bottle of wine--no paper bag--and at least 2 wine glasses) and ate them on a pic-nic table at the restaurant belonging to the fisherman who caught them (on the ground floor of the ocean in a lobster trap--Noah could explain it to you...) It is a magical place. The cold, the mist, the rock--and oh my gosh, my hermit--he lost all of his money in the 20's on black friday--he left his grocery store in Manhattan and moved to Manana (said like banana) island (just across from my island) and lived in a series of shacks for the next 50 years...there is my life unfolding before me...he had garden's and billy goats and caught fish...!!!
I was communing with his ghost. He was telling me to come visit him under the dock--I think he wanted to kill me. Did I tell you about the abandoned coast guard building? It was so creepycool!

So do you Jont to the refrigerator or around the block? The best time to think is between 11 and 2:30--bedtime is right after that. The best time to wake up is 8--followed by laying in bed with a latte until 9 (hardly ever happens this way, but that's how I like it).

I want to be an Art Therapist because I believe in the power of Art to heal, to describe, and to help us understand ourselves and others in ways that words in plain English just can't quite do. You know this!!!

As far as the inspiration found on the island--it's funny you should ask as that very discussion was grounds for an argument had with Matt (no sideways smirk with slight tilt to the head) This trip I was so totally running on empty I was just soaking it in--filling up, trying to trap the inspired bits of light so they might last for as long as possible; again, you know how this works--most often the artistic outpouring occurs when one is filled to point of overflowing--in positive and negative light.

I really didn't want to attempt any of it--I just wanted to hold that erotic internal hum and let it move me...I think there's always the hope that it may manifest itself at a later time. Out of blue show up in something--I love that

Alrighty--time for bed....

Tomorrow I must try to sort out the shop. Ugh. I think I am now paying for my vacation as everything seems to be falling apart.

alcor said...

Sorry about the pasty thing--I think I was supposed to say "Aww, look how cute you were!!!".

While I am sure that's what I was thinking, you do realize I couldn't possible have actually SAID that!

Nic always seemed to have that blond/tan thing goin' on....

Anonymous said...

Quick comment - hopefully it finds you in time.

Funny thing about experience ( a bit lofty but important )
So often we worry about the day and the trial - so often we say "today could be the day I lose it or it all comes tumbling down" but I say, if it was going to do that, if you weren't going to make your lease, if you were going to finally say the wrong thing and all of your stinking creatives finally decided they were done - wouldn't that have all happened back when you really didn't know what you were doing??? Back when Apotheca was a wisper - you can catch a pebble but it takes an ocean to catch a mountain. And if you really think that most of this is actually in your control and is weighing totally on your shoulders - you be pretty arrogant and foolish.

A bit lofty yes but you got my vote that it will work out, all of it dork!

Anonymous said...

I didn't complete the "funny thing about experience" Experience and Excellence for that matter often allows us to forget how we got there - you are more capable but often times less likely to see it.

there that's all!

Anonymous said...

Complete and final comment: For reals this time cause I just saw it and I couldnt' resist.

Next time you attempt to push a kayak in the water (it looked a little heavy for you FYI, I know the weight of that "fiberglass or plastic" can be outrageous) you might want to let a man handle it as you were looking a little gimpy, maybe that 9am latte wasn't sitting just right or something. I was actually hoping to see a posting of the next picture, where the man came and helped you and then you tripped and fell into the water - that was the next shot right, tell me it was!!!

Anonymous said...

"Due to my past, I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to a detriment." ...... Why?

IDR - you mentioning the creepycool coast guard shack - do tell!!

alcor said...

Oh shut up. Gimpy shimpy--he should have been pushing me into the water! I did not fall but alas, I can not blame you for assuming I would. Grace is something that failed to rest upon my 5'11" self.

Thank you for the reminder. I do sometimes forget that God is way bigger.

Anonymous said...

Oh I wasn't referring to God - I was thinking of your ghost friend who lives under the dock and wants to kill you, chicken - you probably didn't go chat with him under the dock. Some of the best conversations i've ever had were with people that wanted to drown me with their greesy lobster fingers. Did you fire that chic or what?? I probably shouldn't have said that on the blog, she could be reading this but then again so could Island Greesy Finger Ghost Man - he doesn't happen to have a friend that lives in a lodge in the mountains does he, 000hhh aaaaahhhh

Anonymous said...

I kinda thought it would be fun to say "did you fire that chic" because then it allows me to picture you firing a chic. No offense but gave me a bit of a giggle. Hey FYI / you know how the whole apologizing thing got a little annoying, well you have exceeded your 5'-13" height and amazonian references - you know your sickly so just shut it already.

alcor said...

Oooboy--slamming my amazon size is such an ingrained part of who I am I'm not sure if I can stop--much like yourself apologizing for being a egocentric jerk. I will work on it though--I will follow your example...

No, I didn't fire her. I had a talk openly with all of us--let her know how it made everyone feel and she said she was misquoted. She said, "you know I would never say that!" I said, "actually, no I don't know that".... Like I said, she's been going through a lot personally and the savior complex within me is strong--part of the whole 'benefit of the doubt to a detriment' thing.

My mom keeps telling me, "everyone has good in them Alyssa, that doesn't mean the good is enough to out way the bad"

Below the surface we are all the same with our own tragic twists. Because I see and understand --to an extent-- those tragic twists, I sometimes find myself excusing unacceptable behavior. Is that just a glorified way of saying that I am a pushover? Crap, maybe. I am a pushover that will yell at strangers who are mean to their kids though...or who will

There is such relief in resting on the fact that God is in control.., but I do have a tough time with knowing where exactly the resting comes in. I feel I was totally screwed by the submissive wife b.s. and as a result I am trying to wade through things and see where I fit now. Religion, God, life teachings from my childhood that were filtered through conservative skirt wearing cornfield Christians...Christ is love, Christ was/is about people--that I get. For God so Loved the World--that I get... Wives obey your husbands--that's great when the husband loves his wife as Christ loved the church.

Uh oh. There I go sounding bitter again. Sorry.

The Coast Guard house was awesome....when we landed the kyak on the little dock thingy we climbed up some precarious steps and found ourselves on this really cool track system--there were a few broken carts that had obviously derailed; I be-lined over to the hermits dwelling--he was calling out to me and all....there was a rock foundation that looked like deformed stilts made out of stone--the ocean air twisted through the structure and in the center hanging on a nail was a tiny flannel jacket turning and flapping slightly. It had to have been hung in honor of the hermit.. He could watch the ferries come and go, observe the hugs hello and kisses goodbye, he could watch children play and people dine --all without committing to any social involvement.....

The building was fenced off with a that ugly plastic fencing stuff, but around the other side was some old make-shift scaffolding. I climbed up it to peek through the window and saw a roll of toilet paper on a bedside stand next to a perfectly made bed...this side of the shack was one huge patchwork window and I can't imagine the evening to morning views--they must be spectacular!!! The side of the shack facing the main island had tiny little slivers for windows. Peek-a-boo.

Matt told me to get down and stop snooping. I obeyed--because I am obedient.

: )

We walked down the track--it kept going and going...finally we came to a little shack that housed the gears or whatever...still the track kept going, going, just out of view...and then over the hill we saw a large sea blasted house holding every quality that a creepycool structure should...and it was begging to be explored...teehee! There was a big sign posted "Warning, Property of the U.S. Coast Guard. Trespassing Prohibited" Even better....but right about now was when I started worrying about the kids and Jeremiah because I couldn't see them anymore. I went around to an open door and poked inside--it was a torn up kitchen--the smell was terrible--up a hill I saw a little loft area--again, the door was wide open--and you could see a couch nestled inside the tiny space facing out. I imagined Coast Guard dudes plopping down, smoking their cigarettes and watching a storm roll in. Looking completely out of place were huge solar panels that powered the now completely automated Fog Horn--the building used to house the men responsible for manual operation. Later I learned that the government has been trying to donate the building to a charity, but it is in a dangerous location and needs tons of work so no one will take it.. I would have loved to go inside, but I got all panicky as about 20 mn. had gone by since my last peek at the kids so I left Josh and started running back. They were with Jeremiah, but still, he's only 12. I started replaying the story I heard about some children in the 40's who had been playing on a rock when a squall came up...a 15 year old tried to jump out and save them but they were both washed out to sea. The Monhegan LIbrary is dedicated to them. And if I had pissed the hermit off I figured I'd really be in trouble... what better way to get to me than through my kids!!! (see, crazy I am)

I want to go back next year.
TIme for bed. Night

Anonymous said...

"Egocentric Jerk” ouch!!

The lingering sting of that remark wouldn't allow me to read any further, which is unfortunate as I was so looking forward to reading about your life guard tower station and such.... It is truly amazing how the term "egocentric" has become so singly paralleled to and loosely penned the masculine.. Hmmm!

alcor said...

OH come on--you had a self absorbed stint that I am just crackin' at you about--read on, it was cool! I have already completely justified the behavior as necessary in order for you to take flight and grow into the mighty J. Glenn that you are today! A hairier, mighter J. Glenn.

Anonymous said...

I read it this morning - nice kiss up remarks though. You should have checked it our further, your kids can swim, right??

alcor said...

Guess what, we have rose petals in our toilet bowl. You should try peeing on a petal.

Anonymous said...

What? Is that some sort of peeing challenge or are you inviting me to use your restroom?? After three cups of the Peaberry I could probably burn a hole right through a petal! (TMI - sorry)

Anonymous said...

Good to know about the petals (spoken quite sarcasticly) - what spurred that little bit of information - you eating berries or something?

Anonymous said...

How do you keep them coming after a flush - do you have some sort of petal dispenser?? I prefer to pee on daisy petals - FYI

alcor said...

Just thought I'd share a bit of the beauty found in my toilet bowl.

BTW, the Peaberry has gone over very well. Rox (she is WAY picky as she used to be 100 pds overweight and everything that passes through her lips must be top notch) loves it as do I. Still start the day with my latte though...

alcor said...

We have a little bowl where we put all of the blown roses and some guard petals (the outer petals we sometimes remove due to discoloration or damage--I say sometimes because they are often my favorite petals because I tend to see the "discoloring" as really cool color variation--the over-commercialized rose, however, has developed a consumer that has come to expect "perfect" thereby missing out on the much more interesting perfectly imperfect.

alcor said...

It's up to the flusher to replenish the bowl....g

Anonymous said...

The "flusher" being the one that is doing the flushing - Gotcha. I wasn't sure if "the flusher" was another one of your cutesee names for something that actually has a name such as flush valve or p-trap - but now I'm getting what you are saying.

I am working on a brief synopsis to be revolved around your mind and the whole hermit thing - don't have time to finish it tonight so I will have to leave you in drooling suspense - kills me to do such a thing. I think I have you figured out - well you are easily figured out but I mean on this hermitous, lobster island matter - of course!

Anonymous said...

Great to hear about the tanziPea - I have all sorts of little sales boosters for ya but I find that it is better to spread them out over time. We have a little saying around when it comes to change orders and open check book type situations – little contractual monetary gifts, if you will. "It is better to be a little pig than a swine" when Troy and I are sitting around talking about these situations, as a reminder we now just snort and oink a little in the conversation instead of revealing the whole saying and overall meaning – see another little tid bit for ya – told ya I was full of boosters. Your welcome, no really it’s all my pleasure!!

alcor said...

Guess what, Matt won free tickets to the Nascar race--he is sitting in the second row and gets a helicopter ride to the game--er, I mean race. Whatever. He's pretty psyched. Long live the South---"hotdamn" was it?! as you so eloquently commented! : )

alcor said...

Looking forward to seeing how you have me all figured out--in reference to the hermitous matter--

So, what'd you do while I was gone? Bears, tables?

I have some veers for you--I found this incredibly inspiring photographer--I'm not usually into photography, but these are manipulated so beautifully...i'll send 'em on the morrow.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome about the race – Loudon is a good one to watch, lotsa beatin and bangin!! I have been to three races (our Florida house is thirty minutes from Daytona - I love to say that as if it some sort of second home and not a stone around my neck) and I am sorry to say (for your sake) once you go to a race you will be hooked – so Matt will more than likely come back a changed man. My guy was running strong yesterday until a couple of lapped losers spun and took him out – Frustrating, I regained my composer after a couple of hours (Erin always laughs at me when my guy wrecks and then she makes some comment about his driving – even when it clearly wasn’t his fault - inferiating) Something you have to love about NASCAR – what other sport can you have 150,000 drunk rednecks all remove their hats at the same time and stand with heads bowed during an opening prayer that ends with “in the name of Jesus Christ”? I once saw one drunk redneck bounce a Pabst Blue Ribbon can of another Drunk Rednecks head from three rows up – he then replied “bro, were praying, take your hat of” other reply “sorry maen”! No fight, he just apologized and took his hat off, a little embarrassed like. So I am glad Matt got to go – being a car guy I am sure he loved the power and the noise. Tell him if he wants to pick a good driver go with number 17. Thus ends NASCAR discussion...

alcor said...

Oh, he's already a fan! He likes open wheel better (he used to race in college) but the roundyroundyroundy on TV has occupied many an afternoon. Yes, the wrecks are noteworthy, but that's about it. Although I do love driving fast...we went on a trip once to California to Skip Barber racing scchool? I got to ride around the track in a little Neon that was FLYINg--my poor mother-in-law was stuck in the back seat (a pro was driving) and she threw up later at the restaurant. Poor thing. I loved it. She totally redeemed herself later though--we were supposed to pick Matt and his Dad up after "school"--we saw them up on this hill but we didn't know how to get to them--(there was a road right around the corner) anyway, she jumped the curb and started heading straight up the mountain!!! Manicured nails--Coach purse and all! Of course she was freaking out the whole time saying, "I shouldn't be doing this, I shouldn't be doing this!!" I couldn't stop laughing and telling her that she was my hero. We got to the top and about 12 guys in racing gear, arms folded, were scowling at us--Matt and Bob weren't happy that we had caused a scene. Someone saidn, "Ya'll didn't want to use the road?"I told MIldred not too worry--she rocked. Even as I type now, sitting here in Panera I can't stop giggling. If you knew this woman--she lives to shop and get pedicures, you would understand--It was awesome!!!

Ahhh, time to work.

alcor said...

BTW, thanks for clarifying who your driver was...#17. I did try finding out who was fifth last time--I guess they stop counting after 3--they figure the slow guys aren't worth mentioning. NOW I can use it in the future to harass you.

Anonymous said...

Oh goody!FYI they DON'T stop counting at five and a top five finish is quite notable..

Anonymous said...

Oh goody!FYI they DON'T stop counting at five and a top five finish is quite notable..

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you and your motherinlaw have a lot in common - the new Alyssa anyway!

alcor said...

Oh good heavens! There ya go trying to piss me off and get under my skin--sad that it's working and I feel the need to defend myself. I should refute this need and carry on with my flower ordering as it is due by 3, but again, lacking in self control I can not help designer "Coach Bag" is the same one I bought nearly a decade ago from the army navy store in CO--a beautiful shade of army green-still smells like must. The last time I had a manicure was the day before I got married--Brynne and I did get a pedicure together and I want to again--she loved it, BUT just because I admitted my Arden B weakness to you does not give you the right to assume I am a shallow, money spending, perfect ass and nail seeking chic. Because my friend, I am not. While I no longer disallow myself to leave the house without properly covering my ass with a henley or button-up plaid shirt like I faithfully used to--seriously, for awhile there I would only by a shirt if I knew it offered proper coverage--YIikes!!!...--I refuse to be catagorized as a "professional Dallas look good while shopping-er".

thank you very much...

alcor said...

AND, my poor VW and I suffered far too much abuse--proudly absorbed mind you--at various stoplights in Plano when my green baby would decide to be stubborn and stall--the perfectly manicured nasties would honk as they angrily maneuvered past me in their shiny Audis, Mercedes, and BMW's--I fought for the cause as I rode my mountain bike to the grocery store--they would hiss and glare through the tinted glass, making it known that I was interfering with the usually easy-breezy right hand turn into Willowbend (the big beautuful shopping mall--boasting itself to be far better than the other 5 malls that existed in a 10 mile radius....thank you God for saving me....!!!

But yes, I like my Arden B's and wife beaters and flip flops and once in awhile my heels, because now I think it's kind of fun to be a giant on occassion--exposed ass and all.

HUmph. Yes, I feel better now, thanks for asking....

Anonymous said...

Yeaah, nice try but not buying it. You've got the diva shields on the top of your head in almost every picture and I saw the facebook video - have you been hanging out with katie??

Anonymous said...

I could have accepted you admitting to the Coach bag if you said that you got it from one of the guys on the streets downtown Manhattan but you bought a real one and worse yet you really wanted it. You painted a very detailed and pointed picture of your mother in law referencing her Coach purse but some how you left yourself out of that category. I am sure your VW wouldn't have stalled so much if the AC, Bose and Navigation System hadn't always been turned on as well. hmmm

Anonymous said...

You know, the girl with the bad breath was from Plano, hmmm.

Anonymous said...

You stated that he won "ticketS" to the race - did you go with? You should have!

alcor said...

I threw something really big that time.

alcor said...

He did have two tickets and it would have been fun to go just cause I like experiencing all sorts of things--even helicopter rides to redneck disasters--but he had mentioned it to a really cool customer of mine that comes into the shop like every day ATLEast once a day--he's a huge Nascar fan (whoever the Mt. Dew dude is--that' his guy) so Matt brought him. He appreciated it much more than I would have.

I'm gonna veer ya now.

Anonymous said...

Those are some great pictures - the affect/filter (I don't really know all of the terms - photoshop) did indeed present a very different view of the island. Your coast guard house looked like one that could be explored for many hours. And of course the narrative was nicely described in artful Alyssa fashion - who took the pics?? Something you must appreciate about art and the ideas of the one arting is perspective (the ability to present the individual mind's perspective) I totally got your creepy view or storyish perspective of the island much better after seeing those shots. Who took the shots?

What was the brick chucked for?? The navi system?? Glad to hear that Matt is and has been a fan of NASCAR and racing for some time.

Erin's dad used to be a big wig for Miller Beer (he eventually checked himself in to rehab for being an alcoholic and for some reason the day he returned they took his company car and fired him, hmmm) He has been dry for many years and is incredible, he has taught me a ton and I have great respect for the man. I don't know how many people can say this about their in-laws but the hardest part of moving to Colorado was leaving our twenty minute commute from Erin's family - they truly understand respect and love and they are a complete gift.

So even though Erin loves to shop, has great fashion taste and an incredible eye for detail (hense her selection in men, of course!!- she is a lot tougher than most of the girls I know - she has put up with my "money saving" live in the dirty haunted lodge plan for a good while now, while most of our friends have been like "hell no"!!) she in many ways was raised on NASCAR (back when it was real racing she flaunts in my face - I have only been a fan for the past three four years) During Daytona 500 week her dad would take Rusty Wallace (matt would know) around the state of Florida doing adds and appearances and such. So even though her heart and passions lie with Louie V, Vera, H&M and Hudson jeans she can totally kick my butt pretty much on anything having to do with NASCAR - kinda makes me madd and she knows it...

Why did you throw something - I am really confused?? I saw no need! The peaberry still outselling everything / good to hear!!

alcor said...

Aw J. Glenn, I am so proud of you for marrying an interesting girl!!! I pictured you with someone totally safe--maybe a blond Math teacher? I don't know....she sounds awesome. HM is fantastic--good style for cheap and everything is long. Vera is a designer with soul--Dallas forever spoiled Lou V. for me and I'll have to look up Hudson jeans.

It warms my heart to know that she could kick your butt if she needed to. : ) I'm sure she fights the urge often.

The pictures aren't of the island-they just felt like it. Check her out: Irene Suchocki. I am feelin' the gurgles of inspiration--yesterday was a good feeding day, built atop Monhegan and I just may want to create something--maybe, I take that back...I don't want to scare it away...

She titled the first image of the flowers gone to seed, "What we feel most, has no name" I like that.

alcor said...

I actually had a dream last night about Erin--kinda wierd. I got a package in the mail from her and we must have been pretty good friends because I was all excited to see it--it was an envelope full of papers and notes and at the bottom was the rusty butterfly, but you had turned it into a 3D piece and attached another set of wings --it was really cool looking! Dreams are odd.

How's she feeling? I have been praying for you guys.

Having good in-laws is a blessing--that was the hardest part about leaving (and the best part all in one) Texas--and added another painful dimension to the divorce. Even though his Step-mom and I have little in common we got a long very well. His grandma is my soul-sista and I adore his Dad and adored his Grandpa-he just died. His mom and I are also completely opposite--except for both being stubborn, she always thought I was fine I think, but I didn't win her respect until Noah's first Thanksgiving after a family incident involving too much alcohol and my baby boy. The young momma bear in me went off laying down the laws of land. She hadn't' seen that side of me before--the side that embarrasses Matt. Even when I see strangers disrespecting children, women, whatever--or being flat out unkind or verbally abusive something snaps and I can't keep my mouth shut--I say intelligent things, I don't yell and holler, I just can't ignore it. He'd like it if I ignored it. Anyway, after that she decided I was alright--"I just didn't think you had it in you, I am so impressed!" After the divorce I don't think I was alright anymore--in her eyes, her son can do no wrong.

The worst mistake a parent can make is believing their child is perfect. Who wants to be loved for being perfect anyway??? We want to be loved in spite of our imperfections...

alcor said...

The brick was because you deserved it. Don't play innocent with me....

alcor said...

Hudson is hot! Way too expensive for me though...I have to hover at $100 for a while...

alcor said...

What the heck is a Diva Shield and what facebook video? You're not my friend???

alcor said...

OH, sunglasses. It's summer!!! Besides, I lost them in Monhegan so my 12.99 Marshall's shades are long gone. They are sort of like a security blanket. Whenever eyecontact feels to heavy you just slip on the shades and it's like portable soul protection.

I also lost my $300 prescription eye glasses that I had just purchased!!! I am so mad at myself. Brynne broke my other pair when she was a baby so I have been waiting for like 3 years to get a replacement pair (I wear my contacts too much)!!! I am so mad at myself!! I think your mom was totally right about the losing kids thing.

Anonymous said...

Diva Shields

Apotheca has a Facebook that is open to the whole wide world – nice video of you prancing around like a busy little real shop owner – very convincing.
Why do you feel such a need to explain yourself – I know you gave up poking your thumbs through the sleeves of your sweatshirts a long time ago, that’s fine. Prep!!

Anonymous said...

Here is a link to webcam of the rec center project jobsite - another awesome sleeping tool. The jobsite is one of five views - we would be the one with the big hole in the ground surrounded by concrete forms. The texan is building the general store building to the south - he started last year we are gonna totally kick his butt and our building is the ten times the size.

alcor said...

Only because they now make shirts long enough for my monkey arms--OK that was not an Amazon remark--just the truth....jeans are longer so I don't have to take down the hem as often and sleeves are longer so I don't have to poke holes to keep them where I want them--except for a couple anyway....

alcor said...

which one am I looking at? Go outside and jump up and down---

alcor said...

winter park, granby, fraser, or grand lake? Go out in your bikinis so I know it's you...

alcor said...

the frasierians were the potential rock hurlers, so I thought it would be that one...tell me! I am impatient!!!

alcor said...

Oh wait! I think that's it...but it says Millennium Bank?
Damn. The mountains are incredible. You lucky bastard. You'd better look up with leisure and often...

Anonymous said...

You might want to lay off the Peaberry for a while - spazz!!

The link should have taken you to an enlarged page of the Fraser Cam - it shows the ski area and james peak along with the development (rec center) looking into the town of Winter park. You just spazzed and had a jglenn moment.

I don't work in the trailer (that is Fletch's domain) I am safe in my office. I am usually out there in the mornings and half days on wednesdays - maybe you will get lucky and get to see the landcruiser some day.

Often I stand back with old Fletch and say "Bro, you know what's coming (winter - Fraser is the Icebox of the nation) but man look at the playground we get to live and work in" Brad and I go long boarding down from the ski area into the town of Winter Park - his comment one day while hitchhiking a ride back to the top was that most people save up all year to spend one week here - we better be thankful and not take it for granted. It is a nice view - never gets old.

Anonymous said...

FYI - I didn't say that Erin could kick my butt, just in her knowledge of NASCAR - ahh she might be able to kick my butt - she has a look that is far worse...

Anonymous said...

didn't look that there were multiples - the Fraser (millennium bank) cam is the correct one - you have to wait for the view of the big hole in the ground!!

alcor said...

Yeah, I had a little yippyfit,.
Glad to hear you look up, it is just incredible!!!

I hope to see the cruiser. I caught an internal glimpse on your facebook. Did you tell it was white? Am I psychic or did I completely make that up? Maybe on a Wednesday. See the problem is I NEED some peaberry. I work from home on Monday's and Tuesdays now and i am having withdrawls. I dyed my hair black--or blackish. It was getting really bleached out and Gretchen said she had a vision for my head so I told her to go for it and now it's blackish....Brynne thinks I should be blond like her but Noah likes it.

Glad to hear you look up.

MMMm, yes, looks can do far more useful damage.

alcor said...

I see the hole! Seems close to the road huh? Now I'll totally know when you're slacking on Wednesdays.

So what's it going to look like when you're done? It being your are in an industry where every last detail has to be planned out prior to any execution you surely know the final outcome!!!

Shoot me now!!! Just imagining a life with out being able to build, create, and take steps based upon how the previous layers work and blend and morph its surroundings into new facets that would not exist if it weren't for each previous loosely formatted and subconsciously planned element--I think I would suffocate. Good thing I don't build things of beauty that need to withstand the test of true functionality and the killer Colorado snowstorms... : )

Looking forward to seeing it take shape! And the Landcruiser...

Anonymous said...

It's blue - you no phsychic!

alcor said...

Was the interior white? I swear I got this white thing from somewhere....I'll have to look at your non-friend facebook profile pix again....

Anonymous said...

The FTP site has full exterior elevations - you haven't been doing your homework.

What are your thoughts on ACAI Bowls - Erin and I couldn't get enough of them when we were in Hawaii visiting our friends this spring - it was totally the new healthy, superfood, coffee shop addition trend there.. Ahhh crap I said I was going to space out my super seller ideas - just curious...

Anonymous said...

oh yeah the interior is creamy-whitish you are correct - what a snooper!!

alcor said...

what is it? I have had it in juice form, like out of a pop the cork type bottle in miniscule amounts, but I don't know what an açai bowl is...

alcor said...

See, I knew it!

I told you I looked for you over the years to see if you had any music out there.
You weren't on Facebook until recently I don't think. I didn't see you there until after you found the blog and the voice from the past convos.

Anonymous said...

I have been a facebooker for almost a year.

They rock - not cheap to buy but they completely rock

this is the place we loved in Hawaii, our friends have seen the cast from Lost in this place gorging on bowls

This is a little blurb from some California folk:

The best part is that peeps charge like $12 bucks for these things and a normal person could easily eat two... There has got to be a place somewhere in Boston.

The table company has gone completely to the sustainable furniture market...

Anonymous said...

Alright I am done doing all of your homework - I know you never asked but this is a great site. This place charged like $8 but the other place we would go to was $12 / yo..

alcor said...

Sustainable Furnishings sounds like the perfect fit for your tables. Speaking as a consumer, I have almost convinced myself to by a Natural LEE chair that I love and I can sort of feel less guilty about it because it is "green".

I can totally see the Lost crew eating a series of Açai bowls at one of your tables.

They may not be completely aware of how the integrity filled experience is feeding not just their body, but their soul....until of course the subconscious come to surface and they inquire

(of course you have educate the wise, perfectly portly hawiian juice bar owner to fill them in)

--Eating that which is raw and pure and just damn good while sitting at table made from previously felled trees-trees with an history, trees with character--trees with a purpose. Wood on a mission---to bring peeps together, to carry a piece of good dirty but pure past into the groovy earth aware future, can't help but inspire raw, true togetherness.

I totally want one.

alcor said...

OH my gosh, I can smell the fresh!....things like this make me want to drive to Jamba Juice...I don't know if there is one in Boston though.

Thank you--I'll look into it. There is a lady named Amber (young mom like me only she's still married) who owns a really cool lunch spot named Jewel and the Beanstalk. She is going to make some foodies for us--organic sandwiches and salads. I'll talk to her about the Açai bowls. I am going to owe you something if this takes off too...thanks for doing my homework.

alcor said...

You should be on your way home by now...did I just see you drive by on sky cam--??? just kidding.

I was talking to a guy on the ferry ride home--or rather evesdropping over a guy who was a timber-framer from NC and he said that they were pulling up old logs from the Colorado river that were beautiful old logs --maple or something? He said they were so old that the internal structure was completely different than they are now and that they could be used to frame with; and nowadays the same kind couldn't be used in the same way because the wood isn't strong enough...not sure if it was maple or not, but it was something...

Anyway, that would be really neat to have a river line--wit a unique cheeky name of course.

alcor said...

I said "old" and "log" way too many times in that little blurby--you got my point though--

Anonymous said...

A river line, I like the sound of that. It is amazing how the trees grew a hundred years ago, different climate, air quality, growth time and such. "The River" Brad and I have been reading a ton about sustainable stuff and spending much time brain storming - we have even entertained with "the beetle" line of tables offering a walk about opportunity. Rich people pay big bucks to come out here and go on a two day hike and actually pick the dead beetle killed trees or the already felled trees on the ground "old stuff" that they want to have their table made from. The whole "pay five grand to work a cattle ranch for a week" idea. I can totally picture some rich New York yuppy serving up sushi on his "elemental" and telling the story about how he tripped over a rock and there it was the center log used in this very table - We shall see - I am taking your advice and we are spending a ton more time at lease now planning the plan and the marketing and logo and such. We shall see we shall see!!! How dare you assume that I ever go home at five thirty - my late work hours will soon be changing with the Baby - kinda company policy, which is cool.

Anonymous said...

I ment to say "that is a great idea" after I wrote "the river".

Anonymous said...

For the Record - I don't any bikinis and I certainly wouldn't wear them to the job trailer. Why am i even entertaining that comment? I must say that your harvest moon lately has been pretty remarkable - a bit bright but I guess that's the point.

When does NH start getting snow and cold weather - it has come to this I guess, like every good Minnesotan - talking about the weather..

Anonymous said...

I completely thought that your thumb in the sleeve thing was one of your cool artsy "look I am different" fashion things. I even did it for a long time, still do once in a while - we 6'5" ers have the same problem with pant legs and sleeves..

alcor said...

Do you ever stand back and look at yourself from a birdseye view when your spoutin' your mouth off about how this million dollar job such and such and the whatever works because its got be and blah blah and think,

"what the heck am I talking about?"

"these people think I know what I am talking about!"

"Wow, I must be some crazy feak imposter?!"

yeah. me either.

Anonymous said...

EVERYDAY! - but then I am consoled by the thought that, shit they're probably an imposter as well and the only people that aren’t truly imposters are those that have completely arrived at what they are doing and are unwilling to learn and try something new and quite frankly I don't care to be one of those lame ass pieces of whale shit.

I think that it is about setting out to learn and achieve and risk and do what you do to the best of what you do with passion and overwhelming zeal - I am in no way discrediting excellence but we should all be learning and often when one is risking and learning there is an element of failure - then again that could all just be one big cop out.

I take my graces when I can get em and I do my best to learn as fast as possible so I can instruct others.

I use to teach voice and guitar lessons to junior highers in Nashville, my initial thought was, "why the heck am I teaching voice and guitar lessons - what gives me the right to mess - I am not some seasoned pro, I even had a few guitar majors scoff at the fact" but I know enough about guitar to teach a beginner and if I don’t know something I am not afraid to look it up or ask someone that does and better yet I know what it feels like to suck and try and I was able to help the beginners overcome that and develop a fire for the art. So I say screw the arrivers and those that won't jump off of a cliff just because the logo on the tag of the safety net is a bit blurry. You think Roosevelt knew what the flip he was getting into when he declared war on Japan – maybe a bad illustration but you get my point and I know I am preaching to the choir!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the "whale shit" - it is just a very popular phrase in our office usually after we get a bid "higher than, lower than, smells like, get your mother @#$&ing piece of whale @#* breath out of my #$%#ing face" and so on, you get my point.

Anonymous said...

I of course would never say that, it's just fun to write it sometimes - of course!!

alcor said...

Yes, I suppose we are all imposters..whale shit. I guess that's like chicken shit but bigger.

You potty mouth.

I just had a second consult for our biggest wedding ever. It is happening in November. I do fight the whole, "these people should not be trusting me to do this!!!" thing.

The moon is quite incredible right now. It watched shone down on me through the sillouettes of the pines all of the way to 101 this morning. It makes me smile. I love it. I also had to stick my head out last night through my front door and say "hi Mr. Moon" Noah wasn't in bed yet and he's like "momma what are you doing?"

You do feel a wonderful "one-ness" with your shirt when you pop holes through the sleeves...

Anonymous said...

And lest we forget - it does allow one to perform the thumbs up and not have the sleeve rise to the annoying half elbow position.

Learned all of those words from my wife - her family has a day they call "national cuss day" it was originally instituted by Sheryl their youth pastor and my mentor and missions minded guru.

While the cussing came naturally for Erin, Nicole and Michael the first few times they had to convince and even eventually force little Matthew. Nicole is the "not so safe" school teacher, Michael is the rock star (his band is on the same label as Tim McGraw, Mercy Me and various other musical notables) Matthew is finishing college and about to propose to the soon to be new Erin Grayson - I am begging Matt to marry his girlfriend Erin because it totally drives my Erin nuts to think that there will be another Erin Grayson (Erin's maiden name)

I always wanted brothers and now I got's two and there even pretty cool - I can take both of them at the same time which is a little embarrassing - that's when I refer to them as the twin sisters.

Anonymous said...

There is a reason that they are bringing their wedding to you, guh!! (it is ever so important that when you read "guh" that you picture the person saying it with extreme sarcasm, the eyes are opened wide, forhead slightly raised and mouth and lips rounded - guh is the next step above duh, kinda like "you think retard??" Dug is just "you think??"
Then again it could be because they feel sorry for your unibrow and lip critter. Maybe they like the fact that you don't think you know what you are doing - you probably don't hide it as well as you think and that sense of freeness in artmaking shines right through - then again again, maybe the groom had never taken a crap on a rose leaf before and you totally won him over - guys like things to aim at.

Anonymous said...

Crap! I did it again, I meant to say "and lest we not forget". I totally just sneezed and launched the Peaberry bean i was chewing on across my office. It was kinda funny!

Anonymous said...

You can have 600 - oh woops I guess this post took it, Congratulations you can have 601...

Anonymous said...

I'm taking 601 as well - Just to Clarify - While I do agree that Chicken Shit is smaller than that of the whale I would have to refer to Chicken Shit as someone that is scared and gutless - Let's use it in a sentence, shall we? Alyssa is a little Chicken Shit!! (I am crackin myself up - oh gosh) Now looking to the other species of fecies Whale shit is often associated with that of sinking and floating and is thought to be in a large pile containing smell, time for the sentence: Alyssa screwed up her biggestest ever wedding and has now found her self in deep whale shit. See told you I'm not afraid of teaching.

alcor said...

Ur a nut!

I must say that the FoB (father of the bride) that was here went to the potty no less than FIVE times! He was totally diggin' the petals!! It must be the aiming thing. I thought it was prostrate--I mean prostate (you said to leave the errors...sort of said to anyway)

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