Thursday, February 24, 2011

Art of Celebration New England Book Preview!!

What an incredible collection of pictures featuring a variety of New England artists! 

Click here or on the title link and be sure to use the 'full screen' feature to page through this beautiful book!  We are honored to be included and can't wait to carry the printed copy at the shoppe! 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Children's Art Class coming in March!!

Chase off the winter doldrums with a children's art class taught at Apotheca by local artist Jeanne Bisceglia!

Jeanne Bisceglia is a native of the Netherlands who studied art at the Kunst Academy in Maastricht in the Southern part of the country, bordering Belgium.
 She lived in the Caribbean from 1980-1995 where she fell in love with the beautiful bright colors of the Islands. Oil painting was her choice of medium.

Jeanne sold some of her art through local art galleries in St. Maarten and St. Thomas. Exhibits in St. Maarten, St. Thomas and St. Croix.

Jeanne now resides in New Boston, NH, where she continues working with oils and also pastels, showing her work at local art shows.

She started teaching art to children in 2003 at the Apple Barn Art Gallery in New Boston and continues to teach art in Manchester and her own home.

She is very exited to offer a class for children at Apotheca!  They will learn drawing skills with different grade pencils- drawing animals, portraits, perspective etc… Painting landscapes still lifes etc….. learning about the colors, mixing and values or just exploring  which could turn a painting into an abstract.( use of acrylics, water color, pastes and oil pastels)  We may sculpture as well so that they will learn to work and see in 3D.
Cost:  $60  for all 3 sessions (materials included)
Ages:  7 - 10
Saturdays - March 12, 19, 26 from 9 - 11 a.m.
Call Apotheca to register - 497-4940.  Space is limited.